Activating Command Prompt at Windows Logon Screen to change administrator Password without knowing the old password.
By booting the System using any live operating system like Ubuntu, we can change or modify the files associated with 'Onscreen
Keyboard', 'Magnifier', Narrator' and Sticky Keys, when any
body executes any of these programs, Command prompt will be executed
with administrative privileges and hence allows anybody to perform
administrative task like changing policies and user accounts
User can execute the at windows logon screen using 'Ease of access' at bottom left corner. No password required for this.
Steps to follow:
- Boot the system with live OS, here BACTRACK 5r3 and open terminal and execute given commands.
- fdisk -l //list the availaible partitions on system, note the partition that may contain Windows
- mount /dev/sda1 /mnt //let say /dev/sda1 is the partition of windows, is mount to /mnt
- cd /mnt //to list the contents of the partion it show contains the folder like Windows, Users, Program Files.etc, If not mount other partition.
- cd Windows/System32 //Get inside the System32 folder which is contained in Windows folder