Friday, 2 August 2013

Access Facebook account, Google account of your friends, without knowing their passwords......

Here I'm sharing one trick or hack to access Facebook accounts, Gmail Accounts, or any other website, without actually knowing their passwords.

This is done by attack called cookie stealing, where we steal the cookie which holds the details on any website like session id, etc, and are saved in our computers.We steal them and later use them to access that website using victims indentity.

Lets begin...
  1. Install the Cookie Manager+ plugin in Mozilla Firefox, you can download it form here.
  2. Now restart Firefox after installation is complete.
  3. Now ask your friend to open his Facebook account on that browser having Cookie Manger+
  4. Now click on Firefox button and then Cookie Manager+ from Web Developer option.
  5. Now click on File in Cookie Manager Window then Backup/Restore and then click Backup all.
  6. It will ask for location to save the cookies.
  7. Now you can use these cookies at same time in different computer.
  8. Now Open Cookie manager + in different computer.
  9. Now you have to select Restore all and provide the loaction of the cookie file.
  10. Now open the Facebook or refresh the Facebook tab, you will be logged into your friends Facebook account.
You can do every activities like chating, sharing, changing accounts and privacy settings, change mobile number, recovery email address, etc for taking complete control over that account.

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