Thursday, 1 August 2013

Monitor & Protect your children online from anywhere, block sites, gaming sites, unwanted application, restrict computer and internet use

In this post, I'll  show you how to protect our children from bad things over internet, game addiction, social networking addiction and unwanted applications.

How you can monitor the activities performed on your system anytime and from anywhere?
How to put timing and various restrictions on computer system?

There are large number of applications and spywares on internet, also some Security vendors has implemented parental control like Avast Internet Security, Quick Heal Total Security,etc. I recommend you Microsoft Windows Parental Control or Family safety as it allows to view the activity online, get detailed report any time, manage settings remotely, and many more features that are not provided by other vendors.

Follow steps to use Windows Family Safety/Parental Control in Windows 8 Offline
  1. Create a new user account in your system and select standard user account when asked for type of account. This account is for your children or account to be monitored or protected.
  2. Now go to User Accounts from Control Panel, and select manage another account.
  3. Select the Family safety at the bottom in blue font.
  4. Now select the account created or to be monitored.
  5. Now set Family safety on and Activty reporting on.
  6. Now click on Web filtering, select second option and then click web filtering level
  7. Now select Designed for children option and you can block downloading files by checking the block file downloads option at last.
  8. Now click on Allow and Block websites from lift side pane, here you can add websites of your choice to get blocked for that user.
  9. Now go back by click on User settings from left side pane to add more restrictions.
  10. Similarly you can add time restrictions and game restrictions and Application restrictions.Try it by yourself.
  11. Now you are monitoring that user account and your child indirectly, You can view the detailed report from your account by clicking on View activity report.
  12. From left side Pane you can select Websites visited ,File Downloads, Apps Used, Games played.
For online monitoring you need to have Microsoft account and download Windows Live Family Safety that is included in Windows Live Essential kit, to download click here

See, how to use at Microsoft's website from here

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